Importance of a Christian Worldview
I attended a graduate school of psychology (Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology, within Biola University in La Mirada, CA) with a Christian world view. I did this for the express purpose of providing clients who desire it the very best Christian Counseling in the Phoenix area. This passion has never faded. I am so very fortunate to be able to work with people in a way that strengthens their faith, while providing practical tools for living.
Most of my clients are Christians and have pursued treatment with me largely because it is very important to them that any counseling they receive be rendered by a professional with a biblical worldview.
Integration of Best Psychological and Spiritual Care
In my opinion, Christian counseling should bring a combination of the best psychological care with the best spiritual care. Some people call this combination a type of “integration” of psychology and theology. In practice, I always keep in mind and support my client’s faith as we work on their problems and issues. It is important to me that my counseling not violate any of my biblical worldview. An example of this is the issue of honesty in marriage. Secrets are harmful in any relationship, and especially in a marriage. There is no conflict in this area between good psychological practice and a biblical worldview. If I were approached to assist someone to do something harmful to themselves or others, such as to carry on a secret affair or practice harmful to their marriage, I could not do that and would not do that.
If you work with a therapist who does not identify as a Christian, you may detect that their underpinning (values are at the root of all of our beliefs and practices) is different than yours. This can cause a suspicion as it relates to their advice and recommendations. Good therapists typically do a very good job of advising and counseling people. The practice of psychology is governed by good ethics. I think having a Christian therapist gives people the felt sense of having an extra layer of protection as it relates to the direction given.
Advantages of Christian Counseling
One of the big advantages of Christian counseling is the support a Christian will sense and receive as it relates to their seeking God’s comfort and support of their spiritual practices. Many Christians struggle with their relationship with God – especially when they’re going through hard times. Having a Christian therapist’s support of the faith while at the same time having the ability to empathize with hard feelings and questions about God’s presence in times of trouble can really be helpful. A secular therapist most likely won’t be able to support a believer in this way. I think Christians intuitively know they need someone who is secure in their faith to guide them through these rough waters. What they don’t want is someone who is not themselves anchored in the faith.
Again, a very important goal of Christian counseling is to provide the best psychological care while supporting the client’s faith. Ascertaining a person’s spiritual orientation is important up front in order to know what the client’s value system is. Some clients have been raised in the church but have lost their connection with God. They may or may not be open to having this connection explored and strengthened. Most appreciate this aspect of working with a Christian counselor. With those who identify as Christian, an open dialogue about faith is helpful.
Importance of a Firm Christian Foundation
I make it clear to all of my clients that I am a Christian and am coming from that worldview. We have a clear understanding up front as it relates to what they’re comfortable with as it relates to their relationship with God. Many people who are not believers will say they’re fine with a person of faith. Perhaps they too sense that a therapist having faith will be more likely to be firmly grounded as opposed to someone who is less well-rooted.
If a therapist says they do biblical counseling, I’d expect that person to use the Bible almost exclusively to support their advice and direction. A Christian counselor, on the other hand, would likely use psychological tools and techniques that are proven to help people while making sure that they support the client’s faith and do not violate a biblical worldview in anything they do.
My former Pastor, Dr. Darryl DelHousaye, supports Christian counseling. He sees counseling as essentially providing wisdom and, of course, the Bible is full of wisdom that helps all of us (as in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes). The Bible emphasizes the importance of seeking wisdom and counsel. Proverbs 15:22 says, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” Galatians 6:2 encourages believers to “carry each other’s burdens.” While the Bible doesn’t specifically mention modern counseling, these principles suggest that seeking guidance and support from others is aligned with a biblical perspective.
Using the Healing Resources of the Body of Christ
God is our resource and as such, our relationship with Him is constantly brought into the counseling process whether that be individual counseling or Christian Marriage Counseling. Sometimes people feel so badly for so long that they begin to doubt that God is still in the game with them. Of course he is! God uses the body of Christ, which includes Christian therapists, to encourage and use his healing resources. When we admit our need and humble ourselves to receive help, amazing things often happen. As we heal, part of that healing is the restoration of our trust and closeness to Him.