Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Dr. Crow is located in old town Scottsdale near Fashion Square Mall. The office is conveniently located not far from the 101 loop in the East valley. A map of the area and address of the office can be found under the Contact tab on the front page of this website.

Do you take insurance?

Dr. Crow does not take insurance, nor does he accept or bill Medicare. If you have private insurance, you may be entitled to what is called “out of network” benefits. On request, a superbill can be provided to submit to your insurance company for benefits you may have.

How do you approach marriage counseling?

Dr. Crow uses a couples’ communication model in combination with research-based tools found in John Gottman’s work and the excellent research-based methods of Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples. Combined, these methods give couples the structure and tools to hear each other, develop empathy for one another and reconnect emotionally. Scientific and Biblical principles are incorporated as desired, to create a solid foundation for lasting change.

Can you recommend books for me/us to read?

Download Reading List Here
Affair of the Mind, Laurie Hall (spouses of sex addicts)
Boundaries, Cloud & Townsend (good general book on boundaries)
Can You Hear Me Now, Dallas & Nancy Demmitt (communication skills)
Counseling for Sexual Disorders, Clifford L. Penner, Ph.D. (sex education)
Don’t Call It Love, Pat Carnes (sex addiction)
Faithful & True, Mark Laaser (sex addiction)
Financial Peace, Dave Ramsey (financial principles)
Get Out of My Life, Anthony Wolf (for parents of teens)
Hold Me Tight, Sue Johnson (breaking destructive patterns in marriage)
I Don’t Want to Talk About It, Terrence Real (men’s issues)
Lonely All the Time, Ralph Earle, Ph.D. and Gregory M. Crow, Ph.D. (sex addiction)
Love Must Be Tough, James Dobson (marriage)
Sacred Marriage, Gary Thomas (marriage)
Safe People, Cloud & Townsend (boundaries in dating)
Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, John Gottman (marriage)
Shame: Thief of Intimacy, Marie Powers (shame issues)
The Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman (love languages)
The Gift of Sex, Cliff and Joyce Penner (sex education)
The Money Answer Book, Dave Ramsey (financial principles)
The Relationship Cure, John Gottman (marriage)
The Sex-Starved Marriage, Michelle Wiener-Davis (sex in marriage)
The Sexual Healing Journey, Wendy Maltz (recovery from sexual abuse)
The Wounded Heart, Dan Allender (recovery from family dysfunction)
Torn Asunder, David Carder (after the affair—both spouses)